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It pays to have a backup plan. For former Texas Governor and Guy Who Wandered Over From a Nearby Tailgate Rick Perry, it was a short-lived stint on Dancing with the Stars. Senator Ted Cruz took a job in a local RNC field office making calls on behalf of the man who insulted his wife and father. And if news today is anything to go on, Donald Trump's Plan B is Trump TV.
Yes, a report from The Financial Times maintains Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is holding informal meetings about the possibility of an all-Trump, all the time channel not called CNN. Here's a sneak peak at the new channel's schedule—along with, in the interest of being Fair and Balanced, what might be Hillary Clinton's backup plan: her very own Bravo! reality show.
It pays to have a backup plan. For former Texas Governor and Guy Who Wandered Over From a Nearby Tailgate Rick Perry, it was a short-lived stint on Dancing with the Stars. Senator Ted Cruz took a job in a local RNC field office making calls on behalf of the man who insulted his wife and father. And if news today is anything to go on, Donald Trump's Plan B is Trump TV.
Yes, a report from The Financial Times maintains Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is holding informal meetings about the possibility of an all-Trump, all the time channel not called CNN. Here's a sneak peak at the new channel's schedule—along with, in the interest of being Fair and Balanced, what might be Hillary Clinton's backup plan: her very own Bravo! reality show.